
Screen Shot 2015-04-03 at 6.24.45 PM

Starting Weight: 318.2 lbs.
Weight Last Week: 260.8 lbs.
Current Weight: 260.6 lbs.
Weekly Change: –0.2 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 57.6 lbs.

Hi, friends!

As you can see, this week’s loss was a very tiny 0.2 lbs., and since it was such a minuscule loss, I’m just a bit disappointed, but, alas, it’s OK! Going into this, I knew that the scale wouldn’t necessarily move in a consistent way. This is all just part of the process. I’m going to continue on, continue to make better, healthier choices, and I know that the scale will eventually catch up!

In the beginning of my journey, the scale actually did move in a pretty regular and consistent way. For awhile, I was dropping 2+ lbs. every week. Since the new year rolled around, however, the weight loss has been all over the place. I’ve had several little losses that were under half a pound, and I’ve had a couple of 1 lb. losses, a couple of 2 lb. losses, and even a couple of 3 lb. losses, too, so go figure. My body doesn’t seem quite as eager to drop the pounds lately, though, but I’m really hoping that that turns around soon.

At the end of the day, though, it’s OK. It really, really is. I know that I’m making better choices and that I’m doing the “right” thing. The scale will eventually move the way that I want it to!

A few days ago, I posted a blog that had a video attached, and the response was so wonderful. All of you were so kind and so supportive (which is nothing new!), and it made everything so much easier on me. I’m glad that I’ve finally crawled out from beneath the rock of anonymity that I was hiding under! It feels good to be totally open and real with you guys—truly.

In keeping with that theme of being more open and real, I also created an Instagram account. If you have one, too, let’s connect! I’ve posted a couple of pictures of myself so far (some of which are as close to a “before” picture as you’re going to get), and I’ve also been taking some photos of my meals, too.

I’m going to try to be better about snapping photos of myself and documenting the journey with more than just my words, so if you’re interested, follow along!

As I’m sure you all know, this Sunday is Easter. My family has decided to break tradition this year: for the first time ever, we are not going to do a big, traditional Easter dinner. Instead, we’re going to have a barbecue! It’s going to be 75 degrees on Sunday, so it should be perfect barbecue weather. I’m going to have grilled salmon (though I’m the only one that chose such a “light” option), and my dad has also agreed to make these grilled green beans, too.

I’m looking forward to hanging out with my family, and I’m really looking forward to not having to worry about my food choices!

I’m expecting it to be a really easy day with no “temptations.”

One can hope, right? 🙂

My goals for this week are just going to echo what I’ve been doing for the past two weeks: I’m going to focus on increasing my water and making sure that I’m getting in my fruits and veggies, and I’m also going to take the time to measure out everything so that there’s no question about my portions. In addition, I am going to try to get in 10,000 steps on at least two days this week. The weather is going to be very nice, so my puppy and I are due for a couple of long walks, I think.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and a very happy Easter (if you celebrate, that is).

Eat well. Be well.


9 thoughts on “260.6

    1. Hi, Sondra!

      Thanks so much for commenting and offering your support! That means so much to me!

      How are you doing? I think of you often and always hope you’re doing well. You were the very first person to stumble upon my blog here and offer me words of encouragement, so you’ll always be special to my journey!

      I hope you are doing well and seeing lots of success!


      1. Aww you are most welcome dear! I am doing fantastic! The journey will always have its ups and downs but stick with it and you will succeed. Your blog is such an inspiration to me! ❤ Keep it up!!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Looking at your history, you have often have a high loss WI then low loss WI. Looking at the big picture they balance each other out nicely. I’m glad you don’t let the low loss WI discourage you 🙂 I’ve been loving your posts on Instagram! Oh and, your Easter BBQ sounds wonderful!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey, Brittany!

      Thanks for the encouragement, as always! 🙂

      I get discouraged with the best of them—pretty frequently, actually. Ha! But, at the end of the day, I know that I can’t afford to give up. I am never ever ever ever again going to allow myself to weigh over 300 lbs. No matter what. That was a horrible, awful existence, and I can’t continue to waste my life in that way. I just can’t!

      So I have to accept the little losses, move on, and continue to make good choices. Anything else will just lead me in the wrong direction, and I’m done with that!

      I’m glad you’re liking my posts on Instagram! I need to take more photos of myself, but I’m still nervous about it. I’m used to shying away from the camera and pretending that I wasn’t/am not as fat as I was. It’s a weird experience to now be trying to snap photos that highlight my weight!

      I love your Instagram. I’m hoping I can be more like you, eventually. You post such great photos, and you don’t seem to shy away from the camera. You are a great inspiration! 😀

      My Easter BBQ was lovely, and I stayed on track pretty easily. What about you? Did you celebrate Easter?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. BBQ is better than tradition any time! Sounds delicious! Thankfully, I’m working all day on Easter Sunday so there will be no temptation for me! Congrats on the loss. Even it’s small, it still counts. Keep it up 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Harley!

      You’re right: a loss is a loss. Logically I know this, but it’s still hard to accept sometimes. I just have to keep repeating it until I believe it, I guess. Fake it ’til ya make it, right?! 🙂

      My BBQ was great, and thanks to axing tradition, I stayed on target points-wise very easily. I had no trouble navigating the often stormy waters of food choice! 😉

      I’m sorry that you had to work on Easter, but I’m glad that helped you avoid temptation!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Spent Easter lunch with hubby at Quiznos. Hubby catching flight. Not exactly Easter food but good to be with hubby. Later at my sisters, she had excellent meal.
    Rachel, watched your video. I hope you realize just how beautiful you are. Beautiful and young. LOL. I’m putting Prepration H on my face wrinkles. HA HA! I do think its making the wrinkles softer.
    My beauty hint for the day. Hubby says it gives a new meaning to the term, ” Buttface”.
    I’m interested in sending you something.
    I’m so very proud of you, Deborah Crocker

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Deborah!

      Quiznos is delicious! And hey—it’s OK that it’s not “traditional” Easter food! I had grilled salmon, grilled green beans, salad, and a piece of French bread! I don’t think that’s exactly Easter food either! 😉

      Thank you for the compliment. I am not used to people so easily giving them! It’s so flattering! I really, really appreciate that! I have a hard time accepting compliments sometimes, but I can’t argue with your second statement: I am, indeed, young!

      Maybe I’ll try to keep the wrinkles away with PreprationH, too! Ha!

      If you are interested in the care package swap, head over to this post on Alison’s blog and fill out your information: http://journeytoafter.com/2015/03/28/blogger-care-package-swap-round-one/

      It will be so much fun! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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